Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Uhad mountains near Madinah where the second battle of Islam, Battle of Uhad took place

Hazrat Moosa' Well

Grave of BIBI AMNA, some where out side Makkah

The Imam Abu Hanifar


Tomb Of MOOSA And His Companions

Gave Of DAWOOD In Israel

Grave of Hazrat LOT In IRAQ

Makam E Ibrahim

Grave of Prophet Shoaib (AS)

Abeel, son of ADAM, first grave on earth, in Jordan.

Amma Hawwa In Jeddah

Foot mark of Hazrat Adam AS in Sri Lanka first footmark on Earth.

Miracle Splitting of Moon by Prophet Mohammed Mustafa

Place from where prophet Noah (peace of Allah be on him)'s deluge began

Holy grave of Prophet Muhammad (peace of Allah be on him & his pure progeny)̢۪s companion Abu Obedah

The Mausoleum of Prophet Solomon (peace of Allah be on him)

The site of prophet Khidr (peace of Allah be on him)

Holy grave of prophet Yousha (peace of Allah be on him)

Cave of Prophet Lot (peace of Allah be on him)

Holy shrine of prophet Noah (peace of Allah be on him)

Holy grave of prophet Sho̢۪ayb (peace of Allah be on him)

Holy shrine of prophet Haroon (Aaron, peace of Allah be on him) in Petra

The tree under which Prophet Muhammad (peace of Allah be on him & his pure progeny) took shelter

The holy grave of Prophet Zol-Kifl (peace of Allah be on him)

Grave Of Hazrat MOOSA In Israel.

Location of the battle of Badr (First Battle in history of Islam)

Grave of Imam Zein Al Abideen

Grave of Ja’afar Al Tayyar

Grave of Abbas Bin Abdul Mottalib (Prophet’s Uncle)

Graves of Prophet’s Aunts

Grave of Al Hassan Bin Ali, Prophet’s grandson

Grave of Prophet’s Aunt Safiya, the only confirmed one to have embraced Islam

Graves of wives of prophet Mohammed PBUH

Grave of Prophet’s son, Ibrahim

Grave of Halima Al Sa’adiyah who nursed the prophet PBUH as a baby

Grave of Khadija (First wife of Prophet PBUH)

Rare Picture of Al Rawda Al Sharifa of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and Others!

The Qabr-e-Anwar of Hazrat Yaqub (Jacob) (Peace be upon him) in Palestine.

The Mazar of Hazrat Imran

The Mazar of Hazrat Salih (peace be upon him)

Grave of Prophet’s Aunt Safiya, the only confirmed one to have embraced Islam

Mazar of Hazrat Nooh (Noah)

Grave of Prophet Yusha (AS), son of Hazrat Adam (AS)

roza hazrat muhammad inside from anees tabasum


Roza e Pak our Most Most Most Beloved Aqa (Alaihi Salato Slaam)

prophets grave